If you are a vacation home developer, otherhome could redefine how you are currently making sales and doing business.
You’ve been using the same sales model for years, but with changing economic conditions and landscapes around the world, things are changing.
More Deals
Seamless Process
Expanded Market
Less Risk
Find more buyers by seeing your product as the sum of many parts.
The otherhome model consists of up to 8 owners. Rather than being limited to selling one entire home to one qualified purchaser, you could sell your homes to groups of purchasers who combine to buy the entire home.

As a developer you currently have only two options:

Option 1:
Work under your existing model with your existing team and sell as you always have in the timing that the market dictates and to a limited client-base.
Under current standard developer transactions, each developer works only with their individual sales team, depending on their network and marketing to bring individual purchasers to the sales office.
Purchasers need to be able to afford an entire unit and qualify for mortgages, so many of the leads and prospects are priced out of the market. On the best of days, developers are fighting for shares of a limited client-base.
Option 2:
otherhome is the future of vacation home ownership.
Work with otherhome and sell your units through a massive network of agents and to a more diverse client-base. You can convert your ownership structure to otherhome, and work with a team whose network will bring individual AND groups of purchasers to buy your properties. Because our ownership structure allows purchasing of pieces of the home and we don’t allow mortgages (cash deals only), our potential leads and prospects are NOT priced out, as they are much more likely able to afford 1/8 – 8/8 of each home.
What does it mean to have multiple owners per unit? Optimized usage. What does that mean? You are no longer building communities that look deserted for over 80% of the year. Everything you envisioned when conceptualizing the community will come to fruition.
Cash deals only
This ensures that deals close on the day they are supposed to.
More buyers
Affordability allows more people to gather in an othercircle and buy vacation homes.
Even though there are up to 8 people involved, otherhome will make the process as seamless as possible.
Our platform allows investors from other countries to invest (where applicable) and puts your company on the map for many who wouldn’t have known you before.